Editing a group: When you change the group object, you change all the individual objects. Thus, if you resize the group, all of the objects in the group are resized proportionally to the changes in the group's bounding box. If you want to make changes to the individual objects, choose Ungroup (Command-G), then edit the individual objects separately.


If you want objects to no longer be selectable (which means they can't be changed in any way), you can lock them. To lock objects, select them and choose Lock (Command-l) from the Layering submenu of the Object menu). The objects than cannot be changed but will be visible. All objects in this manual are locked.

Unlocking (Command-L) unlocks all previously locked objects.

Hint: If your Create document includes complex graphics which normally take a long time to redraw, you can lock graphics in an outline form, thus decreasing the time it will take to redraw the locked graphics. To do this, click on the Draw just outlines when locked button in the Preferences panel. Any graphics that you then lock will be imaged as an outline. You can then make other changes to your document while still viewing the outline of the graphic, but the memory normally used to redraw the locked objects will be freed.


Created by Stone Design's Create on 4/26/2003