Paste - The Paste command pastes the ASCII text contents of the pasteboard into the PS code window at the current cursor location. If you copy a Create graphic, you can paste into the PS code window and then view, edit, and execute its PostScript code.

New - The New command brings up a UserPS editing window, allowing you to input, edit, and execute PostScript code. You can have more than one PS code window open at a time.

Open - You can open existing PostScript files in a PS code window. The Open command brings up a standard NeXT Open panel allowing you to select a file. When you open a file, the PS code window title changes to reflect the name of the file you just opened.

Save - Use this commands to save the code in a PS code window. It uses the standard Save panel to get a file name and directory. To save a PostScript document, make the PS code window containing that document the key window. If you save an untitled document Create will present a Save panel for choosing a directory and name for your PostScript file.

Save As - If you choose Save As after you have already saved your document, you may name and save a copy of your document. Save As also puts the original document away, so any changes are stored only with the newly named document.

Insert Header - Enters a new header into the PS code. A header looks like the following (see next page):

Created by Stone Design's Create on 4/9/2004